So the school started drowning like a roblox survival game and eduardo my old classmate was there wearing a beige hoodie in the carline on his phone and anyway we all turned into whales or sharks and everyone was screaming then i woke up. We were wandering and there was a lake and st petersburg and i had to be there. there was magic and then i was in a neighborhood that seemed familiar like maine but ive never been to maine
This dream seems to be a combination of various symbols and themes. Let's break it down:
School drowning like a Roblox survival game: This may represent feelings of stress or overwhelm in an educational or learning environment. The reference to a Roblox survival game suggests a sense of competition or struggle.
Eduardo wearing a beige hoodie in the carline on his phone: Eduardo, as an old classmate, may symbolize a familiar aspect of your past. The beige hoodie and being on the phone can represent detachment or disconnection from present circumstances.
Everyone turning into whales or sharks and screaming: This transformation into large sea creatures could signify a feeling of power, freedom, or a desire to escape from a suffocating or stressful situation. The screaming suggests a release of pent-up emotions.